Regular season Schedule Regular seasonAllPlayedUpcoming DateTimeHome teamScoreAway teamLocationWed Sep. 138:20 pmBARRIE FLYERS25NIAGARA WAR PIGSDownsview - The HangarMoreWed Sep. 207:00 pmBARRIE FLYERS01DEFMIDNIGHT EXPRESSDownsview - The HangarMoreWed Sep. 278:00 pmBARRIE FLYERS69METRO ORANGEMENDownsview - The HangarMoreWed Oct. 048:20 pmBARRIE FLYERS24NORTH YORK HITMENDownsview - The HangarMoreWed Oct. 118:00 pmBARRIE FLYERS39VAUGHAN RED WINGSDownsview - The HangarMoreWed Oct. 188:00 pmNIAGARA WAR PIGS86BARRIE FLYERSDownsview - The HangarMoreFri Oct. 278:00 pmMIDNIGHT EXPRESS72BARRIE FLYERSDownsview - The HangarMoreWed Nov. 089:20 pmNORTH YORK HITMEN42BARRIE FLYERSDownsview - The HangarMoreSun Nov. 125:30 pmMETRO ORANGEMEN32BARRIE FLYERSDownsview - The HangarMoreWed Nov. 159:20 pmVAUGHAN RED WINGS83BARRIE FLYERSDownsview - The HangarMoreWed Nov. 228:00 pmBARRIE FLYERS52NIAGARA WAR PIGSDownsview - The HangarMoreWed Nov. 299:20 pmBARRIE FLYERS01DEFMETRO ORANGEMENDownsview - The HangarMoreFri Dec. 088:00 pmBARRIE FLYERS27MIDNIGHT EXPRESSDownsview - The HangarMoreWed Dec. 138:20 pmNORTH YORK HITMEN67BARRIE FLYERSDownsview - The HangarMoreWed Dec. 209:40 pmVAUGHAN RED WINGS13BARRIE FLYERSDownsview - The HangarMore