Play-off Schedule
DateTimeRNDHome teamScoreAway teamLocation
Wed Feb. 056:45 pmSF 1NORTH YORK JETS (3rd)12NY BLACKHAWKS (2nd)Downsview - The HangarMore
Wed Feb. 129:00 pmSF 2NY BLACKHAWKS (2nd)35NORTH YORK JETS (3rd)Downsview - The HangarMore
Wed Feb. 129:59 pmSF 2 (SO) NY BLACKHAWKS (1st)10NORTH YORK JETS (4th)Downsview - The HangarMore
Mon Feb. 179:00 pmFINAL 1NY BLACKHAWKS (2nd)37SHARP SHOOTERS (1st)Downsview - The HangarMore
Wed Feb. 197:00 pmFINAL 2SHARP SHOOTERS (1st)51NY BLACKHAWKS (2nd)Downsview - The HangarMore