Play-off Schedule
DateTimeRNDHome teamScoreAway teamLocation
Tue Oct. 297:00 pmA SF 1PORT COLBORNE MUSTANGS (3rd)44WOLFPACK (2nd)Downsview - The HangarMore
Thu Nov. 0710:00 pmA SF 2WOLFPACK (2nd)44PORT COLBORNE MUSTANGS (3rd)Downsview - The HangarMore
Thu Nov. 0711:40 pmA SFWOLFPACK (2nd)10SOPORT COLBORNE MUSTANGS (3rd)Downsview - The HangarMore
Tue Nov. 127:45 pmA FINAL 1BRAMPTON ALL BLACKS (2nd)44WOLFPACK (1st)Downsview - The HangarMore
Thu Nov. 1410:00 pmA FINAL 2WOLFPACK (1st)33BRAMPTON ALL BLACKS (2nd)Downsview - The HangarMore
Thu Nov. 1410:59 pmA FINAL (SO) WOLFPACK (1st)10SOBRAMPTON ALL BLACKS (2nd)Downsview - The HangarMore