Play-off Schedule
DateTimeRNDHome teamScoreAway teamLocation
Sun Nov. 0312:00 pmSF 1GREENBIRDS (4th)19BRAMPTON SHARKS (1st)Downsview - The HangarMore
Sun Nov. 031:00 pmSF 1TORONTO RED BULLS (3rd)64FAUNA (2nd)Downsview - The HangarMore
Sun Nov. 104:00 pmSF 2FAUNA (2nd)--TORONTO RED BULLS (3rd)Downsview - The HangarMore
Sun Nov. 105:00 pmSF 2BRAMPTON SHARKS (1st)--GREENBIRDS (4th)Downsview - The HangarMore
Sat Nov. 165:00 pmFINAL 12nd--1stDownsview - The HangarMore
Sun Nov. 171:00 pmFINAL 21st--2ndDownsview - The HangarMore