Regular season Schedule Regular seasonAllPlayedUpcoming DateTimeHome teamScoreAway teamLocationSun Apr. 297:00 pmGOONIES22GREASY BEAVERSDownsview - The HangarMoreSun May. 067:00 pmGREASY BEAVERS03GREENWOOD KNIGHTSDownsview - The HangarMoreMon May. 0710:00 pmGREASY BEAVERS16AUTOBOTSDownsview - The HangarMoreSun May. 138:00 pmFLYERS01DEFGREASY BEAVERSDownsview - The HangarMoreSun May. 277:00 pmGREASY BEAVERS24YOUNG CANADIANSDownsview - The HangarMoreSun Jun. 038:00 pmGREASY BEAVERS14TORONTO STEALTHDownsview - The HangarMoreMon Jun. 048:00 pmGREASY BEAVERS64TORONTO RED BULLSDownsview - The HangarMoreSun Jun. 109:00 pmGREASY BEAVERS02TORONTO KNIGHTSDownsview - The HangarMoreSun Jun. 178:00 pmGREASY BEAVERS33GOONIESDownsview - The HangarMoreSun Jun. 245:00 pmDIRT RATS31GREASY BEAVERSVaughan - Woodbridge MemorialMoreMon Jun. 258:00 pmTORONTO JAGUARS62GREASY BEAVERSDownsview - The HangarMoreTue Jul. 039:00 pmTORONTO STEALTH24GREASY BEAVERSDownsview - The HangarMoreSun Jul. 0810:00 pmYOUNG CANADIANS33GREASY BEAVERSDownsview - The HangarMoreSun Jul. 158:00 pmTORONTO KNIGHTS20GREASY BEAVERSDownsview - The HangarMore