Play-off Schedule Regular seasonPlay-offAllPlayedUpcoming DateTimeRNDHome teamScoreAway teamLocationTue Feb. 066:45 pmB SF 1WOLFPACK (7th)33NY BLACKHAWKS (6th)Downsview - The HangarMoreTue Feb. 067:45 pmB SF 1WOLVERINES (8th)26MALTON MONARCHS (5th)Downsview - The HangarMoreTue Feb. 069:45 pmA SF 1NORTH YORK JETS (3rd)34BLUE STRIPES (2nd)Downsview - The HangarMoreTue Feb. 0610:45 pmA SF 1AUTOBOTS (4th)15NORDIQUES (1st)Downsview - The HangarMoreTue Feb. 137:00 pmB SF 2MALTON MONARCHS (5th)12WOLVERINES (8th)Downsview - The HangarMoreTue Feb. 137:59 pmB SF2 (OT) MALTON MONARCHS (5th)01OTWOLVERINES (8th)Downsview - The HangarMoreTue Feb. 138:00 pmB SF 2NY BLACKHAWKS (6th)71WOLFPACK (7th)Downsview - The HangarMoreThu Feb. 157:00 pmA SF 2BLUE STRIPES (2nd)75NORTH YORK JETS (3rd)Downsview - The HangarMoreThu Feb. 158:00 pmA SF 2NORDIQUES (1st)31AUTOBOTS (4th)Downsview - The HangarMoreTue Feb. 206:45 pmA FINAL 1BLUE STRIPES (2nd)33NORDIQUES (1st)Downsview - The HangarMoreTue Feb. 2010:45 pmB FINAL 1WOLVERINES (6th)01NY BLACKHAWKS (5th)Downsview - The HangarMoreThu Feb. 227:00 pmA FINAL 2NORDIQUES (1st)43OTBLUE STRIPES (2nd)Downsview - The HangarMoreThu Feb. 229:00 pmB FINAL 2NY BLACKHAWKS (5th)71WOLVERINES (6th)Downsview - The HangarMore