Play-off Schedule
DateTimeRNDHome teamScoreAway teamLocation
Mon Jul. 249:00 pmELIMINATIONTRINITY (7th)13WOLVERINES (8th)Downsview - The HangarMore
Wed Jul. 267:00 pmQF 1OG KNIGHTS (5th)13DRAGON KNIGHTS (4th)Downsview - The HangarMore
Wed Jul. 269:00 pmQF 1WOLVERINES (7th)17GREENWOOD KNIGHTS (2nd)Downsview - The HangarMore
Wed Jul. 2610:00 pmQF 1VAUGHAN LIONS (6th)45BULKAMANIA (3rd)Downsview - The HangarMore
Mon Jul. 319:00 pmQF 2DRAGON KNIGHTS (4th)44OG KNIGHTS (5th)Downsview - The HangarMore
Mon Jul. 3110:00 pmQF 2GREENWOOD KNIGHTS (2nd)52WOLVERINES (7th)Downsview - The HangarMore
Tue Aug. 019:30 pmQF 2BULKAMANIA (3rd)35VAUGHAN LIONS (6th)Vaughan - Woodbridge MemorialMore
Tue Aug. 0110:30 pmQF2BULKAMANIA (3rd)01OTVAUGHAN LIONS (6th)Vaughan - Woodbridge MemorialMore
Wed Aug. 028:00 pmSF 1VAUGHAN LIONS (4th)41SHARP SHOOTERS (1st)Downsview - The HangarMore
Wed Aug. 029:30 pmSF 1DRAGON KNIGHTS (3rd)11GREENWOOD KNIGHTS (2nd)Vaughan - Woodbridge MemorialMore
Wed Aug. 097:30 pmSF 2GREENWOOD KNIGHTS (2nd)22DRAGON KNIGHTS (3rd)Vaughan - Woodbridge MemorialMore
Wed Aug. 098:25 pmSF 1GREENWOOD KNIGHTS (2nd)01SODRAGON KNIGHTS (3rd)Vaughan - Woodbridge MemorialMore
Wed Aug. 098:30 pmSF 2SHARP SHOOTERS (1st)42VAUGHAN LIONS (4th)Vaughan - Woodbridge MemorialMore
Wed Aug. 099:25 pmS FSHARP SHOOTERS (1st)01OTVAUGHAN LIONS (4th)Vaughan - Woodbridge MemorialMore
Mon Aug. 148:00 pmFINAL 1VAUGHAN LIONS (2nd)46DRAGON KNIGHTS (1st)Downsview - The HangarMore
Wed Aug. 167:00 pmFINAL 2DRAGON KNIGHTS (1st)31VAUGHAN LIONS (2nd)Downsview - The HangarMore