Regular season Schedule Regular seasonAllPlayedUpcoming DateTimeHome teamScoreAway teamLocationMon Feb. 047:00 pmSHERWOOD SNIPERS42TORONTO CAPITALSDownsview - The HangarMoreWed Jan. 307:00 pmTORONTO CAPITALS14SHERWOOD SNIPERSDownsview - The HangarMoreWed Jan. 237:00 pmTORONTO CAPITALS23FLYERSDownsview - The HangarMoreTue Jan. 159:45 pmTORONTO LEAFS50TORONTO CAPITALSDownsview - The HangarMoreTue Jan. 087:00 pmBULKAMANIA TITANS 50TORONTO CAPITALSDownsview - The HangarMoreTue Dec. 189:00 pmTORONTO CAPITALS43FLYERSDownsview - The HangarMoreThu Dec. 138:00 pmTORONTO CAPITALS15NORTH YORK LEAFSDownsview - The HangarMoreWed Dec. 058:20 pmBULKAMANIA TITANS 82TORONTO CAPITALSDownsview - The HangarMoreMon Nov. 268:00 pmNORTH YORK LEAFS10TORONTO CAPITALSDownsview - The HangarMoreTue Nov. 2010:30 pmFLYERS31TORONTO CAPITALSDownsview - The HangarMoreWed Nov. 078:20 pmTORONTO CAPITALS13MILTON FLASHDownsview - The HangarMoreWed Oct. 247:00 pmTORONTO CAPITALS24BULKAMANIA TITANS Downsview - The HangarMoreTue Oct. 1610:30 pmMILTON FLASH40TORONTO CAPITALSDownsview - The HangarMoreWed Oct. 037:00 pmTORONTO CAPITALS17TORONTO LEAFSDownsview - The HangarMore